miércoles, 10 de octubre de 2007

Third Assignment - Piece of Art

Hi there.

The piece of art that I'd like to talk about is called ''The Japanese Bridge'' by Claude Monet.
I think it's a beautiful picture. As you can imagine, I haven't seen the actual painting, because it's probably exposed at a French museum.

I first found out about it while I was watching a Discovery Channel documentary. It was a program about visual perception's biology. They where explaining how the color-sensitive cells in the eye ball start dieing at a certain age, and by the end of a person's life, there are actually very few cells left. And also how one of the eye's layers changes it form through one's life period.

How does this have to do with Monet? Well... He made a painting of the same scene in two different periods of his life, one when he was young, and the other in his late years. The point is that although it was the same scene, the two pictures are very different. Because by the end of his life, his vision had deteriorated severely, and he actually saw a very different scene, which translated into a very different painting.

I like them both a lot, but I think I prefer the second one.

1 comentario:

Sea dijo...

Hi Nicolas,
This is a very interesting take on talking about art. It's intriguing that the biology of the eyeball determined the way in which Monet painted these two paintings, which explains what this scientific documentary you described has to do with Monet. It's a bit sad to think that color-sensitive cells are dying so that we won't be able to see as many colors when we're older. However, as you pointed out, you actually prefer the colors Monet used in his later painting. So perhaps it can be a positive experience. Thanks for you post.